

Climate lunch for apprentices

Climate lunch for apprentices

Give participating apprentices the gift of a climate-friendly meal that they prepare themselves.

Donate the amount of your choice

Support MYBLUEPLANET with a one-time donation.


Please choose a donation amount

The minimum donation is CHF

The maximum amount is CHF

At least one product needed .

There are only piece available.

Unfortunately, no donation possible after deadline

In a nutshell

With your support you enable

  • the preparation of a climate-friendly meal by the students under the guidance of a specialist in the field of nutrition and cooking.
  • the organization and planning of the ClimateLab workshops.
  • the dissemination of climate protection knowledge in areas such as nutrition, energy, consumption, mobility and project management.
  • passing along current climate protection knowledge to the next generations.


In ClimateLab workshops, we provide learners with important background knowledge on climate protection and project management. In the process, they develop their own projects, which they implement in their companies. Instead of dry theory, we pass on the knowledge through excursions, films, discussions, group tasks or by cooking the climate menu ourselves. ClimateLab builds on the five key topics of consumption, nutrition, energy, mobility and project management. Support us with a climate-friendly meal (CHF 1,000 per event) that around 20 apprentices will prepare themselves under guidance.

Why is it important to pass on climate protection knowledge?

Whether the climate can be actively protected in the future depends on our encouraging all generations to do so. Everyone can do their part to protect the climate. An important area here is education. Whether innovative solutions can be implemented and passionately pursued by future generations depends on how we pass on our climate knowledge. For this reason, at ClimateLab we convey complex topics with a playful approach, empowering the younger generation in their scope of action, and inspiring them for climate protection.


Your impact

In order to reach apprentices from all sectors, different interesting offers are needed with the aim of supporting apprentices in making their personal and professional everyday life climate friendly. With your donation, you ensure that this knowledge is passed on in the ClimateLab workshops.

Learn more about the ClimateLab workshops here.

Your donation will be used for the chosen purpose whenever possible. If MYBLUEPLANET urgently needs funds in another area, your donation can also be used for that. In this way, you give us the opportunity to use your donation optimally for climate protection in Switzerland.

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